Precision agriculture is intended to act in the growing area according to the information collected by devices such as drones. Therefore, it could be said that it helps in decision-making and brings rigor to conventional studies of the field.


It generates more than 20 vigor indices (nvdi, ndre, gndvi, rvi, gvi…) quickly and easily. Through multispectral images determine the strength of your crops.

Advantages of Precision Agriculture.

Monitor the harvest accurately.

Being able to fertilize to measure, which means a saving of up to 35% in fertilizer products.

Detecting problems in irrigation, with the consequent saving of water, solves the water problem.

Locate pests prematurely.

Nitrate saturation level.

Highlight the differences between healthy and diseased plants.

Schedule field review weekly, or monthly to see growth

Creation of maps, orthophotos, level mosaics, elevations.

Land measurements.

SIGPAC viewer and cadastre documentation.


Analysis with vigor indices.

Most outstanding activities for agriculture.




It collects information with sensors from different bands of the spectrum (generally green, red, near infrared and extreme infrared), which will later allow the analysis of a large amount of data to make a diagnosis of the situation of the crops.

Based on the amount of light that the plants absorb and reflect, values of interest to the person responsible for the production can be deduced, such as the health status of the plants, water stress, health status or pests, etc.

From there, with the help of a professional, a series of reports are prepared such as nitrates or fertilization maps, transpiration maps and water status by zones, establishing the most productive cultivation areas or areas in which to improve. irrigation, as well as detecting incidences of pests in the plantations.

Drones and precision agriculture are revolutionizing the agricultural sector.



The use of multispectral cameras.



The advantage over other methods is that all the results are reflected on an orthophoto or aerial view of the plot and are georeferenced. The use of spatial location technology (GPS) such as a simple Smartphone or sensors implemented in tractors serves in this way to locate areas quickly.

With this information in hand, the producer can at all times know the status of his production and act accordingly: make an adequate supply of fertilizers, reduce the use of pesticides or make irrigation more efficient and thus improve production costs and overall performance.

Agriculture is another of the sectors where the use of drones is assuming a revolution, allowing data to be obtained in an agile and efficient way and complementing the information at the foot of the plot.

Until a few years ago, the control methods of agricultural crops were carried out manually, limited to small areas of land or to very specific areas of plantations. However, the use of drones equipped with different sensors on board is making it possible to cover tens and even hundreds of hectares in a very short period of time.

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Analysis of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values used as a reference to estimate the quantity, quality and development of vegetation (crops as natural areas) through the use of sensors capable of measuring bands of the electromagnetic spectrum that vegetation emits and / or reflects.



You can export results to Google Earth in the image overlay function.

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Scalable jobs with our spraying drone For greater effectiveness.